Friday, April 14, 2017

11:30 P.M. Thoughts

Is it time to give her morphine yet?
I wonder what Logan ate for dinner tonight... (he's still in Colorado working, we have bills to life is so fun, right?)
What is her heart rate?
I need to find some more batteries...
Crap, the washing machine is done but I'm too busy to go switch it out...
Man, I didn't get the chance to brush my teeth today. Gross...
Where did my cup of ice water go?
My eyebrows need to be waxed....BAD.
Is she comfortable? 

These are just a few of my 11:30p.m. thoughts.

My days are all mashed together. My mind is so blank, yet running a million miles per minute. I'm so emotionally, physically, and mentally exhausted. The first 48 hours, I only got 4 hours of sleep. 
We all have been working day and night to keep my mother comfortable. Our days are spent giving medications, doing laundry, crying, looking through old photos, sitting by her side, laughing, telling stories, holding hands, and doing ANYTHING we can to make sure we have a happy mom. 
After all, a happy mom is a happy family. Our nights are spent analyzing and over-analyzing every breath she takes, and making sure that she is comfortable through the night. 

As the body is in the dying process, secretions will build up in the throat and airway. 
Tonight (along with almost every other night....) she's been going through some coughing fits. 
Her whole body will convulse as she tries to cough up all of the mucus. 
My bed tonight is a bench, set next to her bed. This way, when she coughs and her legs fly off the bed, I can easily put them back on without having to walk all the way across the room.
I've already given her some morphine, for any discomfort, I recently gave her some atropine so that her body will slow the secretions, she won't be coughing through the night, and can rest peacefully.

My dad and Claire are asleep in his bed, Carson is sleeping on the other side of her hospital bed. Jake and Brooke are sleeping on the floor, and Reece sleeps under my bench. 

Together a family, we have worked 24/7 to provide the care that my mother needs. For now, our home has become a little hospital. While she has hospice nurses and aids, as a family, we are her care team; we each are a nurse. We each are an aid. 
We rarely leave her side, and she hasn't any needs that are unmet. 

It sounds exhausting right? 
This has truly been the hardest week of my life.

......but this has also been the most peaceful, most love-filled week of my life. 

On average, during the first year of life, a baby will go through 2,500-3,000 diapers. 
Multiply that by about 3 years, and you get 7500. Multiply that by 5 Broadbent kids and you get 37,500. Now, I'm sure my dad changed 1 or 2 of those (ha, ha).... (also note that math is my worst subject, and I'm super tired right now, so maybe those numbers are off, but it's still a lot of diapers.....)

That's a whole lot of diapers. 
So that's a whole lot of love.

For the last 23 years, my mother's world revolved around loving, and caring for her children. 
I know for a FACT that we were all her #1 priority, and on top of caring for us, she cared for many other friends and family members. 

So while we may all be SO tired, a little over-worked....and maybe a little grumpy here and there...
I KNOW that none of us would have it any other way. 
Our world's are revolving around caring for her, just as her world used to revolve around caring for us. (37,500 diapers....)

How lucky are we, to have this opportunity to serve, and to love her back? 
How lucky are we, to be able to provide her with the care she deserves?

We are so lucky.

My mother is right next to me. She is quietly snoring as I type away, sitting on my little bench. 

I am happy.
I am incredibly blessed.
After 3 days of being in a coma-like state, she woke up today.
My mom kissed me so many times today. 
I heard her say "I love you," today.
Everything will be okay.

These are just a few of my 11:30p.m. thoughts..... ❤︎


  1. Megan, Thanks for sharing your deepest thoughts, your life at this moment. You write so beautifully and I am in the room with you and your thoughts are so vivid I follow so easy your language of writing your thoughts. 37,500 diapers. I am so glad you get this time with your family. Families are Forever. I Know this to be true. I love you. I'm praying for all of you. Kathy

    1. Kathy, I love you so much. I truly was not only born into an amazing family, but I also married into an amazing family. I love you all.
